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C/C++  Jobs

The 'C' programming language was originally developed for and implemented on the UNIX operating system, on a DEC PDP-11 by Dennis Ritchie. One of the best features of C is that it is not tied to any particular hardware or system. This makes it easy for a user to write programs

Visual Basic Jobs

VISUAL BASIC is a high level programming language evolved from the earlier DOS version called BASIC. BASIC means Beginners' All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code. It is a fairly easy programming language to learn. The codes look a bit like English Language. Different software companies produced

Electronics Jobs

The basics of electronics and electrical stuff in general is really pretty simple. This page will attempt to show you some really basic concepts, describe what some of the components can do, and show you how to read basic electronic drawings. If you are interested in learning more than I have written

Flash Jobs

Some friends of ED books concentrate on more serious aspects of Flash - this one concentrates on the fun. Flash can be used for many purposes, but making visually stunning effects to impress your boss, your friends, and anyone who looks at your site is one of the most rewarding.

Java Jobs

Java is a general-purpose, object-oriented language that looks a lot like C and C++. Its design, however, was built on those of its predecessors, making it easier, safer, and more productive than C++. While Java started out as a niche language for developing applets or small programs that run in

Proofreading Jobs

Proofreaders read printed copy, also called proofs, to find and mark errors. Sometimes proofreaders compare proofs to the original copy and mark any differences they find. In that type of proofreading, they may employ someone else to read the original copy aloud while they

Java Script Jobs

JavaScript is Netscape's cross-platform, object-oriented scripting language. JavaScript is a small, lightweight language; it is not useful as a standalone language, but is designed for easy embedding in other products and applications, such as web browsers. Inside a host environment,

System Admin Jobs

In this age of computer-run offices and companies, the job of system administrator is an indispensable one. Any business that has a computer network will need to hire one. Systems administrators keep a computer system running at maximum performance and efficiency

Career Training

Many people desire to move on in their career, tired of going from job to job seeing no advancement, but they do not know how to gain the skills they need to move on. Climbing the career ladder may mean getting career training in order to advance your career and move into management





